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Hi Deb

Navigating disagreements is paramount to cohabitation. From sibling to adult, we must find ways to get through disagreements. The toddler wants to stay and play, the adult must navigate the path to leaving, the path can be teary and tantrums can arise, or the path can be negotiated and agreement reached for a joyful departure.

Disagreements can not be avoided or cancelled no matter how many may subscribe to that approach.

So how do we celebrate our diverging points of view?

Listen with empathy to another's view?

Find a way through that is satisfactory and or respectful?

Its seems like disagreeing is a right of passage to maturing as an adult.

A protest is like a tantrum. It gets attention but has no power to negotiate a way through.

Respectful and generous debates that celebrate mutual points of agreement would be more fun.

Censoring and cancelling an opposing point of view simply leads to deep division and then war.

It's time we made disagreeing a normal happening instead of a door slam or an abrupt end to a relationship.

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